Lacey is a hyper blonde, bouncing through life with her magical bracelets of positivity. A die-hard gamer (she refuses to call it an addiction), she resides in Oklahoma, mom to three awesome children, one demanding dog, and a crazy cat. She has a passion for life and tends to leap long before she checks for safety exits.
She writes possessive, alpha heroes who demand everything from the women they love. Believing sex is an integral part of a healthy romantic relationship, she doesn’t believe in closed doors, or even confining things to the indoors. Her stories reflect her strong family ties, friendships that showcase how some family consists of those we choose, and a goofy sense of humor that helps keep her laughing through all life’s ups and downs.
If you want to talk books, television, movies, actors, or music (she loves music!), drop her a line at laceythorn2007@gmail.com.